Connect Instantly With People Around You

Just shake your phone to discover people nearby

Whether you're at a conference, cafe, or campus, Shlinks helps you connect with interesting people around you. Exchange contacts with consent and build your network effortlessly.

Shlinks is currently in beta. If you'd like to be notified when it launches, please join our waitlist.

Coming soon to App Store and Google Play

Connect in Seconds

Safe & Secure

Real-Time Matching

Just Shake

Shake your phone to discover and connect with people around you instantly

Discover Nearby

Find and connect with interesting people in your immediate vicinity

Real-Time Connections

Connect with someone getting coffee next door or walking down the same street

Instant Contact Exchange

Exchange contact details securely with mutual consent in seconds

Safe & Private

You're in control of your connections and personal information

Magic Moments

Turn everyday places into opportunities for meaningful connections